The Ballistic Edge Report: Xtreme Performance Bolt (BCG) vs. Mil-Spec
Here at Sharps we like to say that we are not yet another Mil-Spec BCG and we don't shy away from putting our BCGs to the test to prove it.
The Ballistic Edge tested the Sharps Rifle Company Relia-bolt and Xtreme Perfomance Bolt Carrier Group against standard Mil-Spec bolt carrier groups to compare reliability. Read on to find out more about the methodology and the results.
Equal numbers of SRC and Mil-Spec BCG’s were used, and the same ammunition and number of rounds were fired using each under the same controlled test conditions.
Both types of BCG’s were switched among various uppers during the testing to create a larger representative data sample. Each rifle / BCG was checked for proper functioning before introducing the testing media.
Every malfunction was recorded in real-time. Data was then compiled and analyzed for comparison.
Media Used
- Dry bolt without lubrication
- Over-lubricated bolt
- Mud
- Coarse Sand
- Fine Dust
Data Tracked
- Rate of malfunctions (#malf / rounds fired)
- Types of malfunctions o Effects of accumulation (# to first malfunction)
- Manual clearance / remediation results
- Number of rounds to dead-line failure (3 failed manual remediation attempts)
Mud Test: 6 Rifles - 1,071 rounds fired:
- 45% improvement in average malfunction rate
- 22% reduction in out-of-battery stoppage rate
- 44% improvement in first-attempt clearance
- 82% increase in total rounds to dead-line stop
Sand Test: 12 Rifles - 1,244 rounds fired:
- 58% improvement in average malfunction rate
- 23% reduction in out-of-battery stoppage rate
- 43% improvement in first-attempt clearance
- 20% increase in total rounds to dead-line stop
Dust Test: 12 Rifles - 2,400 rounds fired:
- 46% improvement in average malfunction rate
- 9% reduction in out-of-battery stoppage rate
- 13% improvement in first-attempt clearance
- No total failures
Dry Bolt Test: 12 Rifles - 1,200 rounds fired:
- 48% improvement in average malfunction rate
- Only 1 stoppage in 600 rounds fired
- Zero out-of-battery stoppages
- No visible wear on bolt or carrier
- No total failures
Over-lube Test: 4 Rifles - 991 rounds fired:
- 60% improvement in average malfunction rate
- 10% Reduction in out-of-battery stoppage rate
- 34% Improvement in first-attempt clearance
- No Failures
- SRC bolt design and finish significantly reduced malfunctions with all media types
- Malfunctions were easier to clear using standard reduce-stoppage clearing methods.
- SRC bolts resisted carbon and foreign material accumulation , therefore resulting in more rounds fired before a failure requiring disassembly.
- SRC bolts / BCG were significantly easier to clean.